Thursday, October 20, 2011

Europe is awesome.

But bringing technology to Europe is not so awesome. Things you might want to bear in mind if you plan on moving to the Netherlands for a year:
  • Obviously, appliances from the States will not work in European sockets. But even if you have an adapter, it's a bitch trying to find a power converter (I gave up.) I ended up buying a new charger for my 3DS and my camera. Neither were that cheap.
  • Computers. It is very expensive to ship them. Most people have laptops so this isn't really an issue but for people that love pc games, heh, have fun. Oh and wifi makes things all the more difficult with desktops.
  • Don't even THINK about keeping a Netflix account if you plan on living in Europe. And forget Hulu, too. If you want shows, you're gonna have to either buy them (if you can find them) or torrent them. /shrug
  • Nintendo 3DS's can access the internet here but if it's an American console, apparently you can't get into the Nintendo eShop. Which means no downloading the free games that you are entitled to for buying the 3DS before the price drop. Lame. Also, you have to get American 3DS games shipped to you because, for no good reason, Nintendo 3DS's are region locked. Yep.
  • Wacom Tablet users-- hope you have a laptop. Because if you plan on using a computer that doesn't already have the software installed, there's no way to download the Autodesk Sketchbook and Photoshop software that comes bundled with your Intuos4.
Like, the first two are understandable and obvious. But seriously-- we live in freaking 2011. There is absolutely no reason that I should not be able to access the Nintendo eShop if I have access to internet. Period. That's just rude. And.... ughhh this whole not being able to download my wacom software.... it's not soooo terrible. I ended up finding a free program called MyPaint. Isn't as nifty as the commercial software but it is pressure sensitive to tablets and has layering and a decent variety of brushes. I'm just really glad to have it. :D

These probably wouldn't even be problems to like 90% of people being an au pair or something, but I guess I'm just more technologically dependent than most. I BLAME SOCIETY AND MY UPBRINGING. ;) Just kidding-- I don't apologize. I love how I am. Haha.

May I reiterate the region lock sucks? Because it does. It's dumb and mean and unfair to a lot of people (namely Europeans because America and Asian regions get more [and better usually] games). Luckily, Andy is supposed to be shipping Shin Megame Tensei to me soonish. By soonish I mean hopefully by Christmas and hopefully right after I finish Ocarina of Time. Which is awesome.

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