Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cynic and Chimp Spanner

Just got back from the show. Oh amazing! What a great show to end my Rotterdam experience with. :)

My second-ever show attended solo. It's kind of nice going by myself-- get to stand where I want, don't have to wait for anyone or save anyone a place in the crowd.

I arrived when the first band started. It was supposed to be a French experimental metal group called Hypno5e but a band called Eden before Dawn (or something like that) was playing instead. Didn't get the details on what happened with that. They were pretty blasé, which is standard for any and all opening bands.

Chimp Spanner came next. I had the opportunity during the opening band's set to talk to Paul Ortiz (Chimp Spanner's guitarist) in the smoking room but I'm awkward and weird sometimes and don't know how to start conversations randomly with people I don't know (who happen to be very talented musicians) for some reason but anyway.... [Note: Disclaimer: I am not a smoker... only at shows. It's a time killer and keeps me from standing around looking like a loser by myself :) ]  They were pretty rad. They sound a lot like Animals as Leaders-- not as technical but they've been around longer. The crowd didn't move much at all, though, throughout the set. This was to be a common theme throughout the night.
It's funny because you can't see anything.

Cynic was next. Gahhhhhh. They make me giddy. They started with the first two tracks from their newest album (or is it an EP?) So yea... some Amazonian tribal chant into the Carbon-based Anatomy title track. Then came Evolutionary Sleeper, which is always beautiful. Next was How Could I? which was (of course!) amazing. I was front row directly in front of Paul Masvidal the entire time (yes!) but from what I could tell, the only people dancing/headbanging/showing any signs of interest or engagement were me, the guy to my left, and some dude off to my 8:00. Idk what was up with the crowd, but it was like a sea of hipsters, minus the Burberry scarves and square-framed glasses.

I forget the order, but the also played Veil of Maya, Wheels within Wheels, Adam's Murmur, Elves Beam Out, Bag Up My Bones, another track off Focus (can't remember the name shame on me). And before they went into Integral Birth, Paul addressed the audience with something along the lines of :

This next song has kind of turned into something very important on this tour... especially to Sean and me. But I really want audience participation for this. I want each of you... to think of someone you haven't forgiven for something. And I want you all to... send them some kindness. Because you know, it's not their stuff. It's our stuff. And this really should be a daily thing, to forgive, but you know... you have to start somewhere.

That is in no way a direct quote but that was the gist of it... and it was really sweet. Then he started playing the Re-Traced version of Integral Birth, with just him and the guitar without any distortion but really stripped down. Then the rest of the band joined in at the second verse. Ahhhh it was so beautiful. :) They ended it with The Space for This, without any encore (lame.) But I did get a highfive from Mr. Masvidal. 

Shame you can't see anything... their lights weren't very camera-friendly and I didn't want to blind the poor guy. :/

I wanted to chat with him after the show (as he always invites people to do) and tell him about the guy in Rotterdam who, every day, would get that megaphone out of the display case on Coolsingel and shout out "It's never too late to say you're sorry." But I couldn't bring myself to interrupt him with other people. I did, however, have a lovely encounter in the smoking room (stop judging me) after the show. I had just bought Andy a new Cynic hoodie (the zipper on his old one broke recently and boy do I win the award for best ex-girlfriend.) And I was in there with a guy that works at Baroeg. In walks Paul Ortiz from Chimp Spanner and asks for a lighter. I hand him mine and am like "Your name is Paul, right?" So we end up chatting for ten minutes about the tour, how it's like opening for Cynic, their vinyls catching on fire and not having any new EPs for the next few shows, different crowds in different cities, and other stuff. He was really easy to talk to, friendly, and very appreciative. Gained a lot of respect from me tonight. :)

So yea... wonderful evening. And... 7:00 is gonna come way too early. Night.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it was a great show, thanks for writing about it! I have to make an effort to see them next time they come back to the states. I thought their new EP was good, but I will always miss their metallic side. I was not aware of that instrumental project, so thanks for letting me know about it, I could definitely get into them.
